In the Event of Fire is a solo presentation at Headquarters, Zürich, focused around the idea where one could physicaly move something via the internet. In the work guests were invited to call into the exhibition via Skype and blow out a candle. The input sound of the call was was directed with a virtual soundcard (soundflower) to Ableton Live where the output of the sound was transformed to a very low frequency which created strong enough sound waves that could blow out a candle over the internet. When the candle would go out it was lit again for the next caller.
In the show there are also two videos on two iMacs. One shows my mother in Amsterdam blowing against a balloon in my studio in Berlin. And the other shows my brother blowing a candle from a distance. The room is also filled with custom printed balloons. The other work shows a video of my father blowing projected on a helium filled balloon. The sound output of the video is directed at the balloon from a subwoover making it slowly moving.
Evolutionary Urge 24H (digital / virtual), Navel, Los Angeles, USA, 2017
A Responsive Candle Light Event, Flat, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2015
Second Hand Emotions, Aurora, Dallas, USA, 2015
IN THE EVENT OF FIRE, Headquarters, Zürich, Switzerland, 2012